Friday, February 15, 2008

views on things i learnt during mr. gabriel speech:12/02/08

You have to respect one another’s religion. Do not think that you are the only religion around and start to think yourself as the greatest.
Even though it was the Muslims that are the terrorist, we should not think that all Muslims or Malays are bad.
we should not misinterpret other religions to be bad
Why is terrorism introduced? Example, the JI. They wanted to put the Muslims into one country and by doing that they started to attack countries in Asia.
Why is Singapore not affected?? According to Gabriel, the Muslims in Singapore are very loyal to the country, Singapore and they do not want to move to another country. e.g. Malaysia
Even though the senior of the terrorism group has been captured, there are much younger ones who are joining the fight and they are the mostly intellectual.
for e.g. there’s one Singaporean who was from RI to NJC to NUS and after that went to join the JI. It’s wasted. His life is gone.
we should all have our own beliefs and dont discriminate others.